Friday, June 4, 2010


Twitter did not appeal to me at all. The tweets were someone's opinion on a topic that right or wrong had no bearing on my thoughts. How old am I?

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I have been using Librarything since March 2008 and it has been an invaluable tool for me. It has been my memory, so when I can't remember the name of a book to recommend to a customer it becomes an easy tool to use. There are currently 109 books that I have read and without a doubt, I would not remember more than a handful of titles. Not to worry - Librarything helps with my forgetfulness!

Online Productivity Tools

Who knew - I was totally blown away by all the templates available in google docs. A great resource for resume and financial templates that would be useful for all ages. Also the availability for multiple users to read and edit a document would appeal to group projects. At no cost - very appealing!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Flickr & YouTube

Flickr was very user friendly and is a great resource for people who enjoy photography, to post, buy and sell pictures. Not useful to me though. I have however, be known to visit YouTube to watch the latest video. Great entertainment value and a way to connect with family and friends. The latest video that I watched was "Ghostbusters at the New York Public Library". Great!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

RSS - CPL 2.0

I was able to set up an account no problem and then subscribed to a few feeds that piqued my interest. In no time, there was more than 50 feeds waiting to be read. The service was amazing but now I need to find more time to read - still like the feel of the paper copy!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Google Universe

I was pretty pumped when I first found Google Scholar a few months ago. When recommending this to university students for articles, I quickly found out that not all, but a lot of the articles you have to pay for. That was really disappointing because the information certainly looked good but not all can afford it.

Friday, April 23, 2010


The first venture into Facebook was quite a few years ago when I was checking up on my son's activities. Playing the spy gave me way too much information - what does it mean when a girl gives a guy a thong? When he found out that I was on Facebook it was a bit embarrassing for him, so I didn't use my account for years until recently. My niece has uploaded pictures of her little girls and its a great way to stay connected to the family. On the other hand, I do not have time to make "friends" or reply to all the requests. After spending all day on the computer, the last thing I want to do is go home and look at another computer. Go for a walk or read a book, talk to my husband - these sound more appealing!

Monday, April 5, 2010


I was surprised to find that even my home town of Balzac was on Wikipedia and that was even before the new CrossIron Mills mall opened. The claim to fame was Balzac Billie, the gopher who predicits the coming of spring. It was very easy to edit the information and I added Kathyrn as a Hamlet close to Balzac.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

In exploring Delicious, I found that the more that I used it, the easier it was to navigate. I really liked the old Best Websites on Horizon and part of that was being familiar with it. I really just need to use it more.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I am looking forward to learning about Twitter. Never "twittered" before but have heard lots of people old and young alike who have. Then I can say "been there, done that" to all my younger friends who continually pester me to catch up!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pretty scary to see Daymond Lankow laying on the ice after being hit with the puck. The newspaper today commented that he is still in hospital for tests but is doing okay. Makes you realize that there is more than just winning the hockey game - the whole team had gathered around Lanks as he laid on the ice - worrying, concerned and praying that he would be okay. We did loose the game but I bet everyone was thinking about Lankow.